tidak selamat bahasa Inggris
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- selamat: safe; safe and sound; secure; survived; cheers!;
- tidak dapat selamat: unsaveable
- selamat: safe; safe and sound; secure; survived; cheers!; live; save; congratulations; blessed; redemption; blessings; welfare; long life; protected; good; happiness; spare; security; dependable; salvation
- selamat!: well-done
- beri selamat: welcome; greet
- dengan selamat: safely
- dgn selamat: safely
- juru selamat: savior; salvator mundi; saviour; saviour, savior; salvator; prophet; high priest; messiah; redeemer; the lord; son of god; prince of peace; lamb of god; king of kings; jeebus; son of man; paschal la
- memberi selamat: congratulate; congratulate on; congratulated; congratulated on; congratulating; congratulating on; gave one joy; give one joy; given one joy; giving one joy
- mengucap selamat: felicitate; felicitated; felicitating; congratulate
- mengucapkan selamat: compliment; congratulate
- pemberi selamat: well-wisher
- seks selamat: safe sex
- selamat berpisah: adieu; goodbye; ta-ta; bye-bye; go to bed; good day; cheerio; go to sleep
- Your cousin Lu Ten did not survive the battle.
Sepupumu, Lu Ten, tidak selamat dalam pertempuran. - The other guys didn't make it, I'm sorry.
Pria yang satunya lagi tidak selamat, maafkan aku. - She might not make it out of this alive.
Dia mungkin tidak selamat dari sini hidup-hidup. - Looks like this stuff barely survive the fire.
Sepertinya benda ini hampir tidak selamat dari kebakaran. - Francis, she writes that she may not survive.
Francis, dia mampu menulis bahwa dia tidak selamat. - It's not safe with a killer out there.
Ia tidak selamat dengan pembunuh di luar sana. - Well, if this doesn't work, the hostages won't matter.
Jika ini tidak bekerja, sanderanya tidak selamat. - He almost didn't make it but another driver pulled him out.
Ia hampir tidak selamat. - From what i understand, sam didn't make it.
Dari apa yang kupahami, Sam tidak selamat. - Or maybe I didn't make it back from the war.
Atau mungkin aku tidak selamat dari perang.
- Lebih banyak contoh: 1 2 3 4 5